Detective Sergeant Sheldon Dobson, the police officer whose infant daughter died after being locked in his car at the Black River Police Station in January this year, has been offered bail.
Dobson, 40, was slapped with a charge of manslaughter in relation to the one-year-old child's death.
He made his first appearance in the St Elizabeth Parish Court today, where he was offered bail in the sum of $750,000 with surety.
He is scheduled to return to court on October 25.
According to reports, on January 18, Dobson was expected to have taken his daughter to day-care, but he allegedly forgot and went to work at the Black River Police Station at 8:00 a.m., leaving her in his car in the process.
The child was found unconscious in the car hours later, at 4:00 p.m., and was rushed to a hospital where she was pronounced dead.
In June, the Director of Public Prosecutions ruled that Dobson should be charged in relation to the child's death.